Personal Narrative: My All-Star Cheerleading

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Nothing is more beautiful than helping others. The word help clearly states to give or provide what is necessary, to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist. When I’m older and more capable I would love to be able to give my knowledge on the sport I love to people around the world who share the same interest as me. I 've always wanted to do this because growing up cheering was very difficult especially with three other sisters who all cheered. Cheerleading is a very expensive sport, my all-star cheer program varied from 5,000-7,000 dollars per year, per athlete. Personally, my family could afford that but we were blessed to receive a lot of help as we also had to work for it. It put a lot of stress on my family and myself just so all four of us girls could be happy. I don’t want family athletes to not be able to achieve their goals because of their money situation. The plan I have will take years to accomplish the main goal. The steps and actions that will be taken have to start now to fulfill all that is needed. The process will start off slow and easy and get harder as it goes. …show more content…

We could start off local and small and make our way to the top. We will teach them from the basics to competing for elite routines. Any talent they bring to us we can improve with our training. We will have run into some problems such as a language barrier, facilities to train, and equipment. The best approach to overcoming the challenges wild be to have bilingual staff members, be prepared to practice wherever and not relying on indoor facilities, and come with whatever possible equipment we already can get. The more we can do to help them not stress about it the easier the camp will flow and the more they will gain from it. Also, before coming home after these camps we probably couldn 't afford potential trips to so we would want to leave them prepared and set never to fail only