Personal Narrative: My Experience At Race2ring

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I spent my summer at Race2Ring, a rehabilitation center for retired horses. This center is dedicated to fueling the horse-human connection through equine rescue, rehabilitation and retraining. After a horse is rehabilitated and retrained they are available for adoption. The goal is to place these horses in qualified partnerships so that they may reach their full potential in a productive second career, dually providing a horse-human relationship for people in need. Upon graduation of the program, Race2Ring screens qualified partnerships, placing horses into new careers with approved adopters. The wealth of each horse is the number one priority at Race2Ring. Each horse has his or her own combination of food to best fit their needs. This helped me learn to put the welfare of others above mine. Horse are amazing creatures but they can also be a little frightening. When a horse 's hooves are being taken care of it’s best if they stay in their stall, but …show more content…

They get loud and rowdy, they stomp their hooves outside their stall. This scared me at first but I learned that they are just big babies. They are very sweet but just like a small child they get upset when they want something and even more upset when they don’t get what they want. Watching them act out this way helped me have more patience towards everything, horses and humans alike. Around a horse farm communication is key, especially with the horses. You have to let the animal know that you are behind them or they will get scared and kick, which is never a good thing. There is also a strong need of communication between the workers also. There were many instances when I did not know what a term meant as this was my first time dealing with horses this way. I have only ever riding a horse and did not know all that went into the care of a horse. This helped me learn a great deal of responsibility. I feel my knowledge of horses has grown quite a