Personal Narrative: My First Baby

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Our first baby was due on Christmas Eve, and by November, we were pretty organized. Hey, we'd bought a crib and a stroller. My partner's teaching semester would end early enough that we'd have weeks to paint the baby's room, fill the freezer with meals, have evenings out... One windy night, November 13 to be exact, I woke to the house shaking. We opened the front door and a rush of tree branches burst in. A lofty maple had flattened our car like Godzilla and ripped the front porch right off. I didn't stop to grab my "Ideas for Books" file; we didn't look for the cat. We stumbled around to the back of the house--only to be stopped by an emergency worker, shouting, "You're about to step on live wires." I felt a vast gratitude that we were alive.