Personal Narrative: My Grandmother Vidalia Garcia

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My grandmother Vidalia Garcia was born on September 15th, 1945 and was later adopted by Pedro and Herlinda Garcia in 1946 when she was One years old. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting my great grandparents from what my grandmother could tell me in her interview they were pretty strict. She didn’t have much of a childhood growing up her parents were always around and anytime she wanted to go out to the movies they would always have to go with her or else she wasn’t allowed to go.
Being able to have private conversations on a cell phone unlike today is not the easiest task to do. On September 11th, 1946 we had the 1st mobile long distance car to car telephone conversation. In a time now where technology and cell phones are evolving everyday to think back to the day where the first mobile communication was discovered is amazing. If someone were to say that I’m going to invent the first car telephone you would look at them as if they were crazy but who would have thought that after all these years something so small would become so incredibly important. Imagine how technology today could have turned out if not for that first car telephone. Would technology be as evolved as it is? Would we even have IPhones?
The most important person to my grandmother is my mom Dolores born on May 22nd, 1966. …show more content…

She’s the old school type of grandmother where she sticks to what the bible says that marriage is supposed to be only one man and one women. On June 26th, 2015 the US Supreme Court rules 5-4 for same sex marriage to be legalized across the United States. To my surprise my grandmother doesn’t agree with same sex marriage. There will always be people who will not agree with things that you believe should be allowed to everyone. I for one agree with same sex marriage if the time is to come I would love to see my uncle get