Personal Narrative: My Life As A Softball Team

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Do you know how to help a girl overcome her shyness and build confidence? Suggest she tries out for a travel team of her sport of choice that she excels at while doing. This is what helped me when I became a player many travel softball teams I have became a part of; becoming a member of the teams made tremendous impacts on my life. One significant impact is making new friends throughout the two years I played for a team. I remember lingering onto the field the first day of tryouts hearing, “ Oh who’s that girl?” or “ Is she even good?” from girls that I didn’t even know. I was the outcast, the one who was not even sure if I had made the right decision. This was not the atmosphere that I enjoyed being in; I am the type of girl to have fun with the …show more content…

Yes, I did make friends or I did become a better player, but I also learned how to become more confident about myself. For example, when you are in an environment with no one that you know, what do you do? Well you’re first reaction is probably to confine yourself, but then you might think, “oh I really could try to make some friends.” This is an exact representation of how I felt the first day of softball practice, better known as torture. None of the girls knew me, therefore I did not know any of them. I was feeling my anxiety level rising, my whole body getting weak, and the thought of wanting to cry was to its max. But then I realized, why should I be doing this to myself? Why not just go and talk to people,make new friends, and be a different self? In response to those thoughts scattering throughout my mind, I never would have thought I could be where I was today only because one little turnaround; to this day, I am now the leader of the team and all the girls look up to me in some sort of way. I, as the team leader, have no fear of messing up or even feeling self-conscious around any of my