Personal Narrative: My Ordinary Juvenile Indolence

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A day reserved for my ordinary juvenile indolence was thrown away with a simple walk to the kitchen. Within the next two weeks I would be face to face with a new lifestyle. The destined experience came earlier than expected, but sculpted my future. On this day I learned to value innocence because it’s beauty is often brief. That Saturday morning that I had reserved for binge watching and gaming was simply torched. Staring at the table holding the endless supply of bills left me speechless. Knowing my mom was drowning in debt lead me feeling like I would soon be required to assist her. I soon started my search for a job I was determined to help my mom. Throughout my searches I found a company in need of lifeguards. I picked up the phone and proceeded to call. I started with slight hesitation, my …show more content…

I woke up early mornings to find myself basking in the sun. Rude customers made every day miserable. Long lasting smells of chlorine stained my nostrils, but I knew this was necessary to help my mother. It was at this time I realized that I was no longer a child. I was a member of the working class. It was one day I came to accept this job for its benefits. I worked alongside excellent co-workers that always created a smooth work environment, and I was able to observe kids having fun which made me happy. After having to help for months I realized that I’d been a big help. I contributed financially, which put a stop to my household debt. Getting a job at a young age taught me to value the basic aspects of childhood. The early life experience crafted me into becoming the dedicated worker I am today. Being around the successful adults in my workplace provided me visual of how I wanted my future to be. This memorable experience widened my perception of the true meaning of childhood. Although it turned out to be beneficial I found out it was even better because it enabled me to help my mom and provide for our