Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. born on March 4, 1877 – July 27, 196) was an American inventor, businessman, and community leader. His most notable inventions were a smoke hood. notably used in a 1916 tunnel construction disaster rescue. Morgan also discovered and developed a chemical hair-processing and straightening solution. He created a successful company based on his hair product inventions along with a complete line of hair care products and became involved in the civic and political advancement of African Americans, especially in and around Cleveland, Ohio.
. . . In this issue of the JCI [Journal of Clinical Investigation], Stanhope and colleagues demonstrate that consumption of fructose-sweetened but not glucose-sweetened beverages for 10 weeks increases de novo lipid synthesis, promotes dyslipidemia, impairs insulin sensitivity, and increases visceral adiposity in overweight or obese adults” (Abstract). Fructose sweetener is another way to say high fructose corn syrup. This study proved that fructose sweetened drinks caused harm to the body and signaled a starting point for diseases such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, insulin difficulties, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and ultimately coronary heart disease. Not only does high fructose cause stress on the body, but fructose can also cause serious
We all know that obesity increases your risk of developing certain health conditions, and that sugar can aggravate some chronic conditions. We also know that sugar is addictive, and that if you consume
Added Sugar Article Reflection In the article from USA Today “Eating too much added sugar may be killing you,” Nanci Hellmich reports that people who consume too much added sugar are at higher risk of death from heart disease than normal people. Hellmich says that too much added sugar affects your body in negative ways and leads to heart disease and death. She supports her claim by stating how many calories from added sugar the American Heart Association recommends getting from added sugars each day, then reveals how many calories from added sugar one regular soda contains, then shows many different statistics about people consuming lots of added sugar having higher-than-normal death rates from heart disease.
Sugar can’t possibly be bad for me, can it? Sugar gives me happiness,
First, Too much sugar can cause serious damage health probs, for example, there’s a chance of obesity, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes. and tooth decay. Like so, Robert Lustig pediatrician in CA, “sugar sweetened drinks are the biggest source of added sugar in the american diet”. Which means there is TOO much sugar in a “America
Although high fructose corn syrup may be a contributor to obesity, it is not the main cause. H.F.C.S. may not be the culprit, overeating is one of the most crucial factors of obesity. Most Americans eat portions that are beyond healthy. Studies show that over the last twenty years, food portions in American’s restaurants have doubled or even tripled. This distorted the amount of food people think is healthy for them at home and when eating out.
Sugar, which is in almost everything, is one of the biggest problems. As noted on, “Is Sugar Toxic”, Dr. Robert Lustig, the lead researcher says sugar links to a number of diseases from obesity to heart disease. He also states that 75% of these are preventable. Studies have shown that when we consume sugar, it’s equivalent to when someone does cocaine. Another study by Dr. Cantley has shown that sugar can help cancerous cells grow and multiply.
The transition from eighth grade to ninth grade is one of the most difficult but unforgettable things a student must do in his adolescence. For me, it was filled with new opportunities of taking Ap classes and joining clubs. One of these cubs was Youth and Government (Y&G). For as long as I can remember my brother, Riad, has boasted about how amazing Y&G is and how it has changed his life. My brother is three years older then me, so as a freshman he was a senior in Y&G.
Every Moment Counts I hug her knowing that this will be our last. Tears are streaming uncontrollably down my cheeks, staining her shirt. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I don't understand why this is happening. Out all of the 7.28 billion people in the world, why did it have to be her?
It is hard for me to toot my own horn but I believe I am exceptional because, in addition to the usual applicant assets of intelligence, aptitude, drive, and experience, I seek and embody diversity, I am highly empathetic and sensitive to the needs of others, I am an Eagle Scout who embodies Scouting’s values, I have significant clinical experience, and I speak fluent Japanese. On the above, I do not just talk the talk, I walk the walk. I will be a great doctor because of the above and because I deeply want to serve. It is a calling and not just an occupation for me.
Sugar especially is the culprit when it comes to health problems from food. Sugars are addictive empty calories providing no nutritional value thus causing you to over eat and intake excess calories which will turn into fat. Studies even show that the consumption of sugar can cause endorphins to be released into the brain as a reward system or to feel good from the sugar consumed, which causes you to eat more. It is
The sugar and highly refined carbohydrates in our diet are a big cause of low nutrition. A. Processed beverages and food is the biggest source of added sugar in our diet. 1. Sugar consumed in excess is harmful with empty calories, no essential nutrients, and has harsh metabolism effects.
Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, ice tea, energy and vitamin water drinks across the globe. Regular consumption of sugary sweetened beverages have been associated with weight gain, obesity and diabetes. The role of sugary sweetened beverages in the development of related chronic metabole diseases such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, has not been quantitatively reviewed . How is consuming sugary beverages harmful to the body ?
Processed foods and beverages are the biggest sources of added sugar (and High fructose) in the diet. Sugar is very unhealthy and can have serious adverse effects on metabolism when consumed in excess. Sugar contains a lot of calories, with no essential nutrients. It also causes tooth decay by feeding the harmful bacteria in the mouth. For people who are inactive and eat a processed food, large amounts of fructose from added sugars get turned into fat in the liver.