Personal Narrative: My Trip To Washington

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At first it was only a small rumor, a trip to Washington DC and New York. I heard about it through a friend who was considering going. When I talked to my mom about the trip she seemed very encouraging that I should go. The trip itself was very pricey, over two thousand dollars to be exact. We somehow managed to pull together the amount. So we signed up. Now I was set to travel to Washington and later New York. I probably packed my bags about two months ahead of time just because I was so enthusiastic. The night that I left my friend drove me to the airport. At the airport all the kids who signed up were gathered together in their friend groups, just as I was with mine. The few adults who went were our designated chaperones. Walking through …show more content…

Yet, when I was there it became so much more. When I stepped off the plane it was four in the morning, not Pacific Time, but Eastern Time zone. As if the time zone difference wasn’t enough of a downer we were scheduled to go to the National Arlington Cemetery right after breakfast. A FREAKING CEMETERY! This cemetery of course was extra special because there’s famous dead people buried there. The short version of that story is that we spent three hours admiring dead people’s graves. That same night we got to see the Iwo Jima statue memorial. We saw it in the dark and it was stunning. We had to look up to the memorial because it was so tall. Now I don’t remember exactly what order we did and saw everything in D.C since it was such a blur. One morning we woke up and walked to the Pentagon. We were told to not take pictures of the Pentagon exactly since it wasn’t allowed and we would get into trouble. Some people did and some did not. Anyways, the memorial there was breathtaking. Standing in the middle of what happened in just one single place on September 11th 2001. People cried, I cried. It was beautiful. That very day we walked to the Capitol building and got