Personal Narrative: Observing Others In Public Situations

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Observing others in public situations is a fascinating thing. You can learn an honest amount of information about others just by taking the time to observe those around you. I went to a local Starbucks, where I work, to just sit and survey the customers I wait on daily. It enthralled me to find out how many of the friendly faces I speak to almost daily, didn’t seem as pleasant when they thought no one was viewing them. Several of them, threw their trash on the floor, discarded half sipped drinks into the garbage, and spilt things while never worrying to say a word. It was truly appalling to see how many individuals didn’t seem to care about anybody but himself or herself. Despite how disrespectful some of the customers were, there were also …show more content…

It was curious to see how many different faces and lifestyles walked in and out of those large glass doors. It ranged from younger mom’s with their toddlers and babies to teenagers coming in for their daily sugar rush to older folks just coming in for their usual cup of regular coffee. They all came in with attitudes on the drinks they preferred and which ones they thought were senseless. The older people tended to stick with more coffee tasting drinks like lattes and cappuccinos whereas the younger people tended to want something on the sweeter side like frappuccinos. Many gazed at the selections of tasty treats in the display by the register. I giggled when I heard some of the older women talk about the high calories in some of the treats and how they were well-behaved today so one “little treat” wouldn’t …show more content…

Some were the medical students forcing as much information as they could into their brains for the exams they had coming up whilst taking over the whole back table with their books, computers, and belongings. Heaps of coffee cups were spread among their stuff. Nearby the table of medical students was a variation of elder couples enjoying a nice cup of coffee with a snack and a few of the regulars just taking a break from their long day. One girl sat in the corner desperately searching through her books and typing as fast as she could. Occasionally, she would stop to take a couple sips of her drink, and then get right back to work. They impressed me by being able to study in such a loud

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