Personal Narrative: Prejudice And Stereotypes

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I started listening to this audio in the car on my way to swim practice and I originally thought that it was going to be a boring and a monotone podcast. To my surprise, I quickly discovered that I was wrong. The way she introduces the story is very fascinating and thrilling. My car ride was only 10 minutes. When I finally was at the pool all I was thinking about at practice was getting to the car and pressing play again. I listened during the rest of the car ride and as soon as I got home I took a shower and then listened to the rest of first episode. I began to form the idea that he was an innocent kid that was wrongly judged due to stereotypical ideas. Most believe that every teen who do drugs is a thug. I do not do drugs, but I know many teens who do drugs but would never commit murder. The other stereotype they might have had was the fact that he was Muslim, and they may have not given him a fair case and that ties with racial profiling. It was easy for the judges to blame a teenage Muslim because it was just …show more content…

When parents are strict many teenagers have relationships without telling their parents. That shouldn’t classify him as a liar. Secondly, Jay who was the person who claimed that Adman was the killer struck me. I was puzzled that just one interrogation was enough to supply as evidence. How did the judge know that Jay was credible? It bewildered m how Jay never called the police when Adnan was with him and was telling him that he killed Hay Min and that he needed to be seen at track practice. Another factor is Asia and why she never testified when they needed her. She could’ve been the person to save Adnan form going to jail. Maybe if she would’ve persisted more to testify and tell her side he would have never been sent to jail. Because she never testified the only story they had was Jay’s and in my opinion it wasn’t enough. They needed more proof of what Jay was

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