Sarah then created a podcast dedicated to bringing attention to her case. Sarah conversed with many witnesses who had information about Hae’s murder. Sarah questioned Jay Wilds, who supposedly helped bury Hae. Adnan was clearly innocent
His conviction was overturned after a DNA test excluded Adnan’s DNA from Hae’s body at the time of the murder. The case of Hae Min Lee’s murder and Adnan Syed’s conviction highlights the critical importance of thorough and unbiased criminal investigations, emphasizing how necessary it is for rigorous evidence collection,
On February 9th, 1999, Hae Min Lee’s body was found buried in a shallow grave in Leakin Park––death by strangulation. Later that year, an innocent man by the name of Adnan Syed was convicted on an extremely shaky case for the murder of this young girl. However incriminating the call records may appear at first glance, Adnan Syed, with an alibi to prove his innocence, had no motive to kill Hae Min Lee. To put it simply, Adnan Syed had no reason to murder Hae. After the couple split up, multiple witnesses confirmed that Adnan did not seem to be ridiculously or unusually upset; it was merely another high school breakup.
“Serial” Podcast Hae Min Lee, murder at eighteen by strangulation was found dead February 9, 1999 in Leakin Park, Baltimore. Adnan Syed has been in prison for over fifteen years after being convicted of murdering his ex- girlfriend Hae. He has been sentenced for more than thirty years in prison. Jay Wilds testified against Adnan about Hae’s murder even though Jay helped Adnan bury Hae’s body. It could prove that he could be innocent or guilty by the call timeline, Hae’s autopsy, Jay’s testimony.
There was no physical DNA to even convict
Is Adnan Syed innocent or guilty? On January 13, 1999, Hae Min Lee was a senior at Woodland High School went missing. One month later, her body was found and her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed was arrested for her murder. I believe that Adnan is innocent because he was seen at the library the day Hae Min Lee went missing and Adnan had an alibi who saw and talked to him at the library the day Hae Min Lee went missing. The first reason I believe Adnan is innocent because he was seen at the library the day Hae Min Lee went missing.
Is the murderer truly guilty or was he at the wrong place at the wrong time? In the podcast Serial by Sarah Koenig has an impact on Adnan being guilty of murdering Hae Min Lee. The explanation of the lasting impact of guilt for murder underlines the difficult question that surrounds Adnan regarding whether he is guilty of murdering Hae min lee. There are many debates on how Adnan is guilty but there are two that stick out. Adnan Syed is guilty of killing Hae min lee because of the cell phone records pinpointed near the burial site where Hae’s body was discovered.
In my opinion, I think Adnan Syed is innocent what do you think? This argumentative essay is about a serial podcast is about the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee. The person charged for her murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison was Adnan Syed but due to the evidence I do not think Adnan Syed is Guilty of the murder of Hae Min Lee. The first reason why I think Adnan Syed is innocent.
Adnan can’t be considered guilty if there isn’t enough evidence present for a jury to make such as life changing decision. The only evidence used in this case was one testimony and the defendant’s phone records. The testimony was made by Jay Wilds who was with Adnan during the time of Hae’s disappearance. He stated that Adnan planned everything ahead of time and asked him to help after her death. Jay admitted to helping with the disposal of the body, but he’s testimony doesn’t sound trustworthy.
Mr. Syed is innocent he did not do anything wrong! Well, he did do drugs but he did not kill Ms. Hae min lee. People new to the case might say, “ Adnan was the main one around Hae so he should be the one that killed her.” Mr. Syed is a high school student that is on a track team at Woodlawn High School. He is normally hanging out with a teenager from his classes, his name is Jay.
Of course, many people think Adnan Syed is guilty of murdering Hae by contradicting himself, by saying, “I am in here for my own mistakes.” He might have been on the edge of confessing his guilt until Sarah caught this and asked what he meant, and quickly recovers from his mistake. Adnan also slips his tongue by saying that he wants people to only look at the evidence, and not his personality. If I were convicted of a crime I would certainly like to have my personality be looked at, if I were innocent. So they could see what good I have done.
This is the reason there is a tighter procedure when storing evidence into Criminal Justice field. The improperly investigated case caused the defendant to feel as if the due process clauses were not executed. After careful research it has been proven that the due process clause is not required determining an innocent or guilty plea which ultimately saves a lot of the court’s time when dealing with a defendant. Lastly, Modern technology has a very important position in society today. Even though the assault kit was used to verify if a victim was raped, a better rape kit was invented to not only verify the victim who was assaulted, but also identify the criminal as well.
The agarose gel was placed into the electrophoresis chamber and covered with Electrophoresis buffer. The ruler was inserted with a pipet into cell one of the gel. The DNA from the crime scene that was cut with enzyme one and two was then inserted into wells two and three. Suspect one and two’s DNA where cut with enzyme one and two. Suspect one’s DNA was inserted into wells four and five; suspect two’s DNA was inserted into wells six and seven.
Relationships, lies, murder, conviction. These are all aspects that come into play when talking about the January 13th, 1999 murder of high school student Hae Min Lee. Adnan Syed, Hae’s 17-year-old ex-boyfriend was convicted of her murder in 2000. The problem with this is that the only evidence the state had to convict Adnan was the stories told by others, specifically someone named Jay who was with Adnan for some of the day Hae went missing and had possession of Adnan’s car and cell phone. He claims Adnan made him come pick him up after the murder was committed and assist him in burying Hae’s body.
These people say that since Hae broke up with Adnan and that was enough reason to want her dead. However, Adnan was a smart kid who would realize that killing someone for breaking up with you is not a valid reason. Adnan was not hurt enough to kill Hae; he was devastated when she died and he didn't know about it when he was told. Also, they say that Adnan had enough time to kill Hae. What this opinion fails to take into account is that Asia saw Adnan at the library around the same time of the murder and she was never used in court as an alibi (Koenig, “The Best Defense is a Good Defense”).