Personal Narrative-Racism

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“You only fail when you stop trying.”- Anonymous. I was at Brookfield High School about to swim the 100m Freestyle. I was there because my mom signed me up to swim, but I didn 't want to because that meant we had to wake up at 5am to get their on time. However, I was there to race against also just me and the some other random kids and were about to swim our hearts out trying to win. The seconds before the race were the most tenseful seconds of my life. It was time to finally got on the blocks when I heard the long whistle being blown by an official. I then skillfully got up onto the block and looked around at the other kids. They were the same age. Me being cocky thought, “I’m totally going to beat these kids. Easy peasy.” Then soon after I hear from the loud official say, “Take your mark.” The crowd grows silent and I am ready to fly from the block. I look down at the cool blue water waiting for me to dive in. In other words, I was about to dive in. A horn blew and we started. I dove into the cold water and it felt as if it was Antarctica itself. I could hear the shouts from the crowd yelling “GO!” But, I could hear my mom the most yelling “Go …show more content…

He immediately start to slow down as soon as I passed him. Finally the last wall was closing in on me and I did the most stupidest thing I could ever do. I brought my head up to take a gulp of air, right before the wall. I was screaming “NO!” However, it was still a dead heat between me and the other kid. I was still bursting with energy, but now it was also with the anger growing inside of me. Then all of sudden the kid starts to pull ahead of me and he was going much faster than me. I started to slow down feeling my arms and legs turn into mush. I was as tired as a sloth. In other words, I felt dead. I saw my mom signal and she yelled “Good job!” because I dropped a lot of time. Even though I didn’t win, I still got second