Personal Narrative: Russian Roulette

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I 've done everything I 've been told to do by physicians, and regardless, still find myself a prisoner of my own body. Every meal is like playing a game of Russian roulette. Am I going to digest my food? Or am I going to bloat, become constipated, nauseous, cramp, and have to fight the urge to stick my fingers down my throat? As a result, I now limit myself to one meal per day. Which, unfortunately, quite often includes a 'side order ' of laxatives. Almost every facet of my existence has been altered by this, in some form or another. I 'm afraid to eat out at a restaurant with my friends, because I don 't know how I 'll react to the food. I 'm afraid to make plans with anyone, as I have no way to gauge how my stomach will be that day. And