Elizabeth Horton Case Study

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Elizabeth Horton is 69 year old female. She has a history of colon resection, with ostomy bag, iron deficiency anemia, lactose intolerance, diverticulitis and constipation. Mrs. Horton has no known drug allergies and is prescribed a regular diet. Previous diets have consisted of NPO, clear liquid diet, TPN with liquids to a regular diet. Mrs. Horton’s eating habits consisted of eating a wide variety of snacks during the day. Unusual eating habits include, eating while lying in bed and consuming between 1 to 2 liters of soda per day. During our interview she clearly stated, “Water is nasty”. Mrs. Elizabeth’s Baptist Religion doesn’t restrict her from eating any particular food. However, she does not eat any pork. She also is not a big eater of many vegetables such as, butter beans, cabbage, and other leafy vegetables. Mrs. Horton credits her prescribed medication prednisone for her over eating. She is a non-smoker and occasionally drinks red wine 2-3 times a week. Mrs. Horton is a 68 inches tall, and weighs 238lbs. Her BMI is 363, Mrs. Elizabeth’s ideal body weight is 140 + 10% equally 126-154 …show more content…

Horton lives a sedentary lifestyle, her daily activities consist of watching television and sleeping. Her daily exercise routine would be walking to the mailbox and back. Physically Mrs. Horton presents with white straight hair, her skin is warm and dry to the touch. Her skin would appear to be normal for her race. There are currently no swallowing problems noted, oral cavity noted to be pink and moist without any sores. She has a complete set of dentures, with the proper fitting. Mrs. Horton has a round obese figure, the muscle tone and strength has been noted of 3+ on a scale rated from 1+-5+. Based off Mrs. Horton’s history of GERD and diverticulitis she has heart burn and diarrhea. Her normal elimination pattern is every other day for bowl movements. Mira lax is her prescribed laxative related to her constipation. Current Albumin is 3.2, HGB -13.2 and

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