Personal Narrative: Stuttering

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The brain can grow like the rest of the body, it just takes time, some practice and determination. As a child I love to read, but I was a slow reader, whether in school or at home I would read aloud. My mom noticed how I would stutter, not know how to pronounce certain words, and how long it took to read one page. My mom made me read aloud to her every night before I went to bed, she would tell me to practice on my pronunciations,and to keep rereading the same page until I wouldn’t stutter or mess up. As I practiced on my reading, if I were to mispronounce a word, my mom would have me sound it, syllable by syllable and if I still couldn’t pronounce a certain word, she would write it down on a piece of paper and help me pronounce the word …show more content…

My mother would have me work on that while would read to her, if I were to stutter while reading she would make me start the page all over until I didn’t stutter. I had to restart so often it became a habit. Over time I began to stutter less and less, every now and then I would stutter. I would still start over; then one day my twin sister pointed out that I haven’t stuttered, and I knew that it was because I practiced every day.
As time passed on and I continued to practice on my reading, little by little I would pick up the pace on how slow I read. It did take a while, and my mom would time me on how long it took me to finish a whole page. Until I would be read at an average speed, and it would take less time to finish reading a full page, than the amount it took before I began to practice. The more I practiced the less time it took.
I thought it was stupid having to read aloud, practicing on how I say certain words, having to start a sentence over until I didn’t stutter, re-reading the same page over and over until it didn’t me the longest time just to finish one page. But practicing every day, took a lot of patience for me and my mother, and it was all worth it, I don’t have trouble reading, it doesn’t take me long to read anymore, it easy to pronounce and spell words. Working out the issues I had with reading helped make it easier, and made me love to read ever since

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