Personal Narrative: The Boys And Girls Club

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The Boys and Girls Club, a place where you can relax with fun activities included. A place where you can hang out with your friend and talk during free time and have a snack! There is endless fun within the Boys and girls club! Everyone here has different backgrounds, and different personalities. All the Club members here have different aspects of life and are known for different things. I have been a Club member for about 6 months now, and it has been amazing! My background is different, like every other member here, I am particularly known as a kind person who doesn’t give up, but sometimes gets mad at the slightest things, and I recognize that. This place helps me keep my grades up, if I need to get things done, then I can just do it during Power Hour! The people here even …show more content…

Leadership is needed everywhere, and only a select few can be a leader. As a seventh grader, I am so confused with life, why social media is important, and WHY DO PEOPLE (Particularly followers) CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THE NEW TRENDS. Here though, the students here also are wondering about that, but are too afraid to admit it. I can connect to them in some way or another, whether it’s a good connection or bad connection, I get what they think. They helped me overcome this world of followers and become a leader. I come here to tell a story about the insights of the Boys and Girls club. It may be good or bad, it may be controversial, but great leaders tell the truth. If you tell the truth, then it will work better out. If you be honest that you lost your homework, then you wouldn’t get in trouble as much. In the principal’s office, for example, I have only been there once. I called two people “gay” in 5th grade. It was a bad choice and at the time, I didn’t even know what the word “gay” meant. The only reason I said it was because everyone else was saying that. I went to the principal’s office and will never forget it. I immediately said I did