Personal Narrative: The Entrance Of Darkness In America

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Light: Verb, 1. to provide with light to illuminate 2. make (something) start burning; ignite
“Only when is it dark enough can you see the stars, only in the darkness can you see the light.” (Martin Luther King) In this world, there is a plethora of darkness, everywhere you look there is another reason to turn back and hide away. When you turn on the news or read an article on the Internet you can see that evil and darkness lurks around every corner. The one thing that can rebuff and battle the darkness is light. With light, there is no darkness, it cannot exist. I want to be the light that breaks through the darkness and brings rays of hope to the hopeless and rest to the weary. My world was changed the summer before my sophomore year, I was given the opportunity to travel to Guatemala. There I fell in love with the people, the culture, and the country. It also opened my eyes to the reality …show more content…

The whole sanctuary is dark and everyone in the congregation has a candle as we begin to sing. Our pastor lights his candle and the darkness rushes away from him. He then lights the person next to him and this continues until the entire building is filled with light again. One of the most important things about being a light is that you are like a candle, you can choose to spark others or you can burn out. My ultimate thing is life is to ignite a passion in others so that they can go out and change the world in their own way. One of my goals in life is open a ranch for troubled teens. I want to rehabilitate and teach them to re-acclimate into society, so they can take the lessons they learned and pass them on to others. Light passed from one to another can set the world ablaze, I want to be the light that starts that

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