Personal Narrative: The Profession Of Nursing

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The profession of nursing takes a person and transforms them into a multitasking sensation. While this may take years to perfect it is one of the greatest feats a nurse can secure. Every nurse must have the ability to critically think, multitask, prioritize, delegate and stay sane through this process. It is the overwhelming sense of need that brings people in the profession. People need nurses to care for them when they cannot themselves, and nurses need to help. For this reason, there are many wonderfully caring and exceptionally educated nurses in this profession. I feel like critically thinking, multitasking, and prioritizing are the abilities that as a nurse I handle well. The delegating is something that I still struggle to do. I have …show more content…

This felt nice to hear as I did not see myself as this. This is because I always feel like I am learning something new every day and sometimes my day is unraveling at the seams. I just never pictured that someone would view me as a seasoned nurse when this happens quite often. Alas I guess nursing is an evolving and unpredictable profession and we will never be perfect or know everything. The criticism that Donna gave me was in the way of my delegation. She educated me on the fact that “in the absence of true leadership, someone will rise up and lead”. Now it all sounds good until she states, “and it is never the one that needs too”, and she is right. When I am not delegating appropriately and just doing the job myself others take note and an inappropriate leader arises. This can cause chaos within a unit. The feedback that she gave me was both positive and negative. The negative was brought forth though with a positive tone and we had plenty of time for an open and honest discussion. I felt very comfortable speaking with Donna and walked away with some knowledge about how to handle delegation. The overall experience was very positive and