Personal Narrative: Thurgood Marshall Middle School

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Time is a thief. Before you know it, you’re already in middle school trying to make yourself known. But is it really all worth it in the end? Growing up from the start, I never really knew who I was, but that’s normal because elementary school is for you to build your childhood. It’s for making friends and playing tag with them at the playground or going out for ice cream with your parents after school. Elementary school was a place where I thought I could be me without any problems. Younger me was a bright, colorful and cheerful child. I enjoyed drawing, wearing vibrant colors, and making outfits for myself. But I also enjoyed singing so I joined the choir. That was my dream, to become a singer. I truly thought that that was going to be my future. I was always surrounded by friends and family who supported that dream so that made me feel joy. But getting into middle school, I never realized that life was about to take a big turn. …show more content…

Seeing the words “Thurgood Marshall Middle School” in big letters made me feel like I was finally growing up. I wanted to be older and to be able to do things on my own while being responsible. The first year of middle school was surprisingly easy. But that was the year where I gave up on singing because I felt inferior to other people who had amazing voices. I took on the skill of drawing. With practice and patience, I actually started to enjoy drawing. I took an art class as my elective and I thought that this would be my future. I thought I finally found myself, but problems started to show. From family problems to losing friends. Losing friends took a deep toll on my life because I’ve never experienced this feeling before. But life went on with me making new friends and trying to find what I really wanted to do with my