Personal Reflection On Early Years

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In this essay I will discuss my reflection as a result of analysing the peer review journal ‘Personal action potency: early years practitioners participating in interprofessional practice in early years settings’ by Payler and Georgeson (2013); as well as my experience of taking part of planning and delivering a group presentation on multiagency working. I intend to discuss the meaning of inclusion and inclusive practice in relation to professional perspectives in Early Years, examining how I work in partnership with other professionals in order to support children with Special Education Needs (SEN) within my setting. I will be critically reflecting on how starting new job has impacted on my professional role and the children I support. I will …show more content…

Setting X is a multidisciplinary setting introduced in every local authority under the Children Act (2006) known as Sure start children’s centres. offers a wide range of integrated health and social services, as well as outreach through home visiting to most vulnerable families and children with SEN (Pugh, 2001). This work transition enabled me to critically reflect on my interprofessional working practice and assisted to analyse my role within the team. De Bono (1985) suggested that each team member adopts a different role within a team referring to the colours of the hats. As a new starter I am expected to wear a ‘green hat’ bringing new ideas and expertise from my previous experience, provoking new ideas, ways of working, suggesting change. This role is very challenging as I need to focus on developing my strong points and avoid weaknesses to be able to perform to my best abilities. According to Tuckman’s model of group development (1965) my team currently goes through forming stage. He believed that all groups go through all stages in sequence: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning, however some stages may be passed through quicker than other. Using his model the new team of professionals I am working within has just passed the stage of adjourning, ending relationships and start forming stage getting to know new member of the team changing the team