Personal Reflective Essay: Curve Balls

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I believe we are thrown curve balls on a daily basis, it is the size of the ball and our attitude that dictate the impact it will have on our day or days. I have been diagnosed with Autoimmune Dysautonomia which chronically impacts my bodies Autonomic Nervous System to regulate itself; in addition I produce a Neuronal Potassium Channel Auto-antibody that can create neurological deficits. In Living with a Chronic Illness things seldom go your way. As a mother of 4, a spouse and independent and capable woman these diagnoses have thrown a curve ball that has required me to adjust my approach to everything. It is a situation that requires me to deal with the grief and loss of who I as an individual was ten years ago. The overwhelming sadness and anger that surfaces is blindsiding, yet you still drive on. Surprisingly, with curve balls often comes clarification and opportunity. These opportunities/blessings often present …show more content…

As a mother of 4, spouse and with my particular medical needs I had to develop a plan to meet everyone 's needs. That plan unfortunately included me having to drop out of graduate school for 8 weeks, I had to reduce my hours at work and hire a special education attorney to help me advocate for my son all while attempting to navigate the medical system and our families normal day to day needs.
Chaos at times can create clarity if you can sit in your feelings and the crazy for a while. In doing so I realized that my long term educational goals are not just mine, they are my families as the success of graduate school completion will create the much desired/needed career portability I need to provide sustainable support for my family. So I have reduced my hours at work, continued to fight for my sons medical and educational needs and start school again on January 17th. Our plan is not solid, and I am still nervous but it is a step forward and in the right