Personal Response To My Hero: Seymour Coleman

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Coleman. You probably haven’t heard of it. It’s a small town, with few local businesses. Everybody knows everybody. Friendly smiles and warm welcomes greet you wherever you go. Coleman is where I live. Where a stranger across the street can give you a friendly wave just to brighten your day. That’s where I call home, and it wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my hero, Seymour Coleman. At first, the land Coleman would be on was owned by the US government for speculation, but then 1,000 acres were sold to Seymour. By this time the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad was completed, and on the first construction train that reached Coleman was also the first actual settler, Jonathan Pierce, who came to look at the country and seek a home. Being favorably impressed, Pierce decided to stay. …show more content…

When more people began to settle, Seymour organized for a sawmill to be built. This sawmill brought many people to Coleman and the town boomed. A school and a post office were built. Even more people began flocking to Coleman. The villages population began to soar, turning it into what it is today. It is because of Seymour that I can go to school in Coleman, see my friends almost every single day. I get to run on the Coleman track, and cross country team because of Seymour. I can go the local Ice cream shop, or go down the road from that and grab some pizza. I am so glad that I was born here in Coleman, so I can do the things I do every day. Coleman is my home, and I love it here. Seymour is hardworking, and I appreciate the things he did to make Coleman into what it is today. That is why Seymour Coleman is my Michigan