Personal Responsibility In Cole Matthews's Touching Spirit Bear

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Every individual is responsible for their own actions, choices, and behaviors. I cannot think for anyone else nor can anyone think for me. Essentially, I am the decision-maker for my own actions and behaviors. Being accountable for oneself requires someone to be honest and truthful with themselves and others. Sometimes this may seem difficult while other times easier. Admitting to one’s wrong-doing is a step in the right direction to becoming a responsible individual. Breaking a flower vase at home to criminals admitting to their wrong-doings in court are both examples of becoming a responsible human being. In some circumstances, people will need help with realizing that becoming more self-aware will lead to personal growth and responsibility. …show more content…

It can be humiliating and belittling to admit something you didn’t think twice about. Realizing and accepting our mistakes can be challenging, but once we do we can finally start the journey of holding ourselves accountable. Cole Matthews, the main protagonist in the novel, Touching Spirit Bear, represents the idea that recognizing your mistakes is proof of personal responsibility. Peter Driscal, one of Cole’s classmates, was a victim of Cole’s anger. He was punched, thrown around and dragged across concrete to the point where he needed to be hospitalized. At first, Cole felt little to no remorse for Peter and would not give an apology. In an attempt to discipline Cole, he was sent to an island in Southeast Alaska where he would learn the importance of personal responsibility. Cole was to live alone by himself on the island with no human interaction other than when he got supplies dropped off. He was to build himself a shelter, make his own food and cure his own boredom. All of these skills Cole lacked in. After his time on the island and a few visits from Peter, he finally held himself liable for what he had done and eventually gave a genuine apology. Once Cole realized how important it was to have some personal responsibility for his actions, he was finally ready to make amends with Peter. Peter’s “forgive never forget” attitude helped with accepting Cole’s apology. Clearly, Cole had caused Peter trauma that he would never forget. Peter knew that it was important to leave what had happened in the past, and chose to forgive Peter even if he would never forget what had happened. The soup had boiled over; however, Cole had managed to save it by sweeping it clean and turning the heat down. This had helped to settle the dispute between the two

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