Personal Statement

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I was formally employed at Walmart as an inventory specialist, this position required certain tasks such as keeping count of merchandise in the entire store, ordering merchandise that is out of stock on the sales floor, and returning merchandise that came in from the trucks that cannot be fully stocked in the appropriate bin spaces in the backroom of the store while maintaining a count on those as well. There are two sides to the store one which is called the general merchandise side or (GM), and the other which is the grocery side. All products have to be maintained, accounted for, and placed in the appropriate areas. This job came with numerous responsibilities and at times became really stressful especially when you don’t have the necessary …show more content…

For example, when asked why certain things did not get done my reply would be “Because you need to hire more people.” Or when being critiqued about what I’ve done during my shift instead of taking the time to listen I’m immediately on the defense because I feel that if the necessary changes were made the job would get done and it’s not my fault. As some time went past and I started to really think about what was being said to me I started to realize that I was a part of the problem by not trying to help fix the problem. I figured out I can turn some of the negative criticism into positive by accepting, and help come up with some better solutions to try and make the shift run smoother. Making these changes resulted in me receiving more positive criticism; everyone wants to receive more positive criticism the negative but you can’t have one without the other when trying to self-improve. I became more proficient in my job and it made it less stressful, but in my experience I’ve come to realize that you need to be able to accept not just the positive but the negative criticism as well so you can become a better person and do a better job. Ways to handle negative …show more content…

( Ways to embrace positive criticism: Practice active listening- “Maintain good eye contact and keep your body language open—no crossed arms or legs.” ( • Never argue; just say thanks- “defending yourself sends the signal to the giver that you are unreceptive.”

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