Personal Statement: Why I Should Be Staff On HCF

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I should be staff on HCF because I think I can benefit the server by being helper in lots of ways. Firstly, I have some ideas for the server that can that the server more players. Like having a organised tourney solo or team of two and the winner gets a 10 dollar vulture for the server's buycraft. (just one of my ideas) Secondly, I am very active so I will always be on watching chat, looking for things like: spam, disrespect, and people who swear avade . (sh1t, f*cking, ect.). Then when am not helping people on watching chat I would be watching reports and looking for hackers. Third, I have over a year of experience being staff so I know how to deal with players(Hackers, Salty people that maybe died and are very mad, people that are hurt or …show more content…

It is not that simple though, there are a lot of things that go along with being a helper then just saying stuff in the chat. You have to be able to enforce the chat rules that go on the server. So I would kick and do whatever I need to do to help out the chat. If there were any new players I would welcome them in and even give them some starting out tips for factions. I am pretty experienced in factions because I have played for over a year now and I know pretty much all the commands for factions, like if someone wanted to know how to give ownership to another factions member, I would tell them to do /f admin (playername). The last thing is I have teamspeak so I would go on there to help anyone that needs help on there as well.One of the reasons that I believe that I should be helper is because I love helping. Not just managing chat, which is very important on it’s own, but helping in general is something that gives me pride. When helping someone, it makes me feel as if I have a responsibility and that motivates me to become a good person. Even if you’re not a staff member, it’s great to …show more content…

As a person, I don’t tend to get mad a lot and during tough situations, I can manage to solve it without ‘choosing a side’ or making the player frustrated. Being a staff member, from past experiences, has improved my maturity level and my ability to handle stress by a lot. By now, I’m used to handling extreme situations peacefully without causing much

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