
Personality Comparison Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Austin Jehle
Ms. Mulvaney
March, 13 2023
Personality Comparison Essay You may or may not notice, but throughout our lives our personality changes sometimes in small ways other times it is a drastic flip to where you might not be able to even recognise yourself. During the play “Macbeth” written by William Shakespeare his characters undergo a plethora of changes, some miniscule and others not so much. In the beginning Macbeth had an inner struggle debating whether or not to kill Duncan and make sure the witches prophecy comes true or leave it to happen naturally. Eventually with some help from his manipulative wife he decides to take the more direct approach and kill King Duncan himself , which leads to a ton of unnatural occurrences …show more content…

Which all starts to change when he is approached by the three wicked women that tells him of a prophecy that he will become the new King of Scotland. He then starts to contemplate if he should let the prophecy play out by itself or give it a nudge in the right direction by killing King Duncan himself. Out of the two options he decides to try to take matters into his own hands, but he hesitates and struggles with the idea to kill the man that has been a just ruler and an overall kind man to him. Which you can see when he says “We can't go on with this plan. The king has just honored me, and I have earned the good opinion of all sorts of people.”(2,3). He tries to come up with reasons on why he shouldn't kill Duncan,but nevertheless Lady Macbeth was able to manipulate him into thinking otherwise. After the deed was done Macbeth started to feel immense amounts of guilt and again started to doubt his actions. But as Lady Macbeth said it only gets easier with practice. As we will see with Macbeth as we get further along in the …show more content…

You can clearly see this change when he decides to ask a group of murderers to kill off Banquo and his son Fleance while they are horseback riding and showed little to no hesitation over doing so like he did with Duncan. You can see that the hesitation over killing has vanished when he says “ I have to be able to moan and cry over his death in public even though I'll be the one who had him killed”(3,1) without any remorse in his words. Another example of his behavioral change since the beginning of the play is when he orders his men to kill Macduff and his wife and son without second guessing himself. Through these events in the play you can see the difference in how Macbeth thinks. Before he was fine with the place he had in life, but that all changed when the witches told him the prophecy that he was going to become king and with the promise of something more to gain greed took over. In the play Macbeth was not the only character subject to drastic changes in their

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