Persuasive Essay About A Gap Year

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Not going to college after high school sounds crazy, but a gap year, a year of break in between high school and college. Gap years are prominent in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. The act was founded by Cornelius Bull, and brought to the United states in the 1980’s (“What’s A Gap Year?”). Gap years are beneficial for many students around the world. Thus, allowing the student time to acquire knowledge to further the career he or she wants to pursue. Traveling to different countries, and meet new people. Lastly, shaping who you are as a person, and understanding global problems. Students that take a gap year to become more equipped in their field, learn about new cultures, and help those in underdeveloped countries. Theme of this paragraph is stress and pressure . High school can be very stressful for some people, and can result in bad grades. A gap year can help relieve stress after high school and help refocus students to prepare them for the future (O’Shea 103). Some high school students feel like college is a pressured part of life that cannot be skipped. A gap year can help a student with what they want their career path to be or what school is right for them (O’Shea 16). The gap year is mostly the student’s choice and not society’s choice which makes it an individual decision. After a gap year students have added focus, dedication to start studying, and work hard in college (O’Shea 102). Theme of this paragraph is money and why it’s beneficial to get