Persuasive Essay About Bilingual Education

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With each passing day of our lives we are faced with the realization that this world is ever shrinking. We encounter new neighbors from other countries, colleagues who speak more than one language, and friends of our children come from various walks of life and far away countries. It is evident that our own children need to be prepared for this global society in which they will travel as young adults sooner than we care to imagine.

As a parent of three children and an educator of thousands I live this realization every day! I search for ways in which I can bring to my family not only knowledge of other lands where people look, live, sound and eat differently but also ways in which I can help them communicate with people from around the world.

I have done my own internet searches and conducted my own personal research about which language is the best choice for my family to begin learning in addition to English. It is obvious that learning Spanish as a second language here in the United States is the most practical choice if we want to use our new found language on a daily basis. Experts suggest using the new target language daily if you hope to become bilingual, and I know we will use it every day in our community that has experienced marked Latino growth.

The most recent research suggests that more than 350 million people world wide speak Spanish. Add on top of that the ease with which our children will learn the other romance languages, and it is almost a given to