Persuasive Essay Immigration

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Immigration are people from all over the country who come here to have a better life & get better jobs so they can provide for their families. They move from one country to another one because life wasn’t easy in their country. Some come for a couple of years & then leave & some come to live here forever. If they stay forever they have to take a test to earn their citizenship. In the United States we give chances to people in other countries to come over here in the land of the free to have a better chance at life. Immigrants only leave their native countries for a reasons like; a lack of local access to resources, a desire for economic prosperity, family re-unification, escape from prejudice, conflict or natural disaster, or simply the wish to change one 's surroundings. Every year the United States has more & more immigrants come over to stay for good or just for a little while. They come from all over the world & some even come just because they want to come. They have no reason sometimes but most reason always be because of a family or too much going on in their old country. Immigrants sometimes don’t have the chances & stuff that they can get from coming to the United States then in their own country. Some countries have dictators & they try to escape that by coming to the United States but we also have some families that come to stay for good that only come to give their kids a better chance in life. A violation of a State 's immigration laws a person who is declared