Solution Essay: The Importance Of Forgiveness

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Anger,hateful and resentment is not worth risking your health, nor is it a good thing, to have those negative thoughts day after day. Forgivness is not the same for all people, it is not a blueprint that everyone follows. It takes time for many people to be able to forgive. It is possible and it can be done with help. I believe that we can start forgiving when we ourselves have been forgiven. So before one forgives we must ask for forgivness. We interact with many people on a daily basis. When some one gets you angry, the first step to take is: 1. calm your mind and body 2. wait till you have cooled off 3. remember that the pain is pain is temporay Try to avoid that person for some time, let things cool down. Then you might want to write a letter or email to the person. Sometimes …show more content…

Resentment, hating and anger is like a poison eating up your insides. Now on the flip side look at the time and energy you are wasting on all this negativity. All those negative thoughts shoot adrenalin into our bodies, they make our blood pressure rise, then our bodies weaken, causing all kinds of chaos and that is when diseases and illness starts to happen. Now you ask yourself," don 't I have the right to feel this way?" for all the abuse I endured. For so many years. I hurt in so many ways. Yes you do have the right to feel that way,hurt is horrible, painful and ugly. We have to understand that we have allowed it. Nobody can take control of your life from you. You and only you can control what you do and allow. Here are some examples of life 's excuses of a resentment or anger makers:. 1. Abandoment 2. Divorce 3. Betrayal 4. Abuse 5. Unemployed 6 Disrespect from