Persuasive Essay About Getting A College Salary

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Forty years ago, a college student could pay for a full year of college with the money they made from their summer job. Today, students work full time jobs while in college and they are still unable to pay for all of their bills. College costs have tripled since 1970, according to CollegeBoard, and the average amount of student loans per person in 2017 is $37,600, a six percent increase from 2016. With college costs on the rise, is it still worth it? It does not seem like it is worth it anymore for most people. Perusing a college career all depends on the job and what individual will be perusing afterward.

College education all depends on the person and the career that the individual will be perusing. If the individual is going into a field that could be learned by going to a trade school, like welding, why would they go to a college and spend an extra two years of their life in school? If the student is going to be a doctor, college makes sense. There is a lot of information that is needed to be known to become a doctor. Students should learn what they need to know for their job and leave school to go make money doing that job. Some careers require more preparation than others, so the people who require less school should not waste their money on extra …show more content…

With college tuition on the rise, it does not make sense for every individual to go to school. The presence of a college degree does not guarantee a job afterward. Take my father for example: he went to college and got a bachelor of science in art degree. What kind of job could he get with an art degree? He eventually became a carpenter, and learned the necessary skills from on-the-job work. His presence in college was entirely unnecessary for a job afterward. He could have done many other things with that money and time instead of wasting it on a degree that no one can get a degree