Persuasive Essay About Sex Trafficking

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The issue of Sex trafficking will continue to be a problem in the country because of the naivete of the citizen and the stigma around prostitution. With people not knowing what sex trafficking is, it is easy for someone not to care about the issue and the people who are involved. On the website Polaris, they state that Sex Trafficking is “a form of modern slavery that exists throughout the United States and globally . . . Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to compel adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will”. Women, men and children are all victims of this underground world. According to the Department of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, at least 105,000 children in …show more content…

Everyday people are apart of this but lead normal lives so the whole system doesn’t come crashing down around them. Over 83% of the victims are United states born citizen and any major port city such as New York, Boston, Los Angeles or San diego will have an underground community of sex traffickers and their victims. No one is aware that this occurring but it's more evident than it appears. Websites make these victims easily accessible. On a website called BackPage, individuals are able choose what country, state and major city that they want to sell or buy a victim on. On the website other information on certain jobs or appliances can be found on there as well. It's not hidden but no one is making any moves to stop this cycle from happening. In february two women were busted in new Hampshire after their website was discovered being used to traffick women. ALthough it wasn’t on backpage itself, one victim told how the system worked; “People are posted and sold online multiple times a day,” Asia, a survivor of sex trafficking, told