
Steve Jobs Speech About Life Lessons

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As there are many lessons to be learned through life to be successful there are choices and decisions that make that hard. At one point in someone 's life they are gonna mess up and make a bad decision, but the only thing that will keep you going is how you handle it. In the speech given by, Steve Jobs one can learn three of many lessons, being as don’t hold back and do what you love, live your life how you wanna live it and own your mistakes. Being only 16 and already making bad decisions and poor choices i can see where it matters to own your mistake the only the way you will learn from it and not do it again is if you own up to it. There are times when you don 't want to admit what you have done, your scared about the consequence and try …show more content…

“Your time is limited, so don 't waste it living someone else 's life. Don 't be trapped by dogma- which is living with the results of other people 's thinking. Don 't let the noise of others opinions drown out your inner voice.” says Steve Jobs in his commencement speech. As i read this i thought to myself how my actions are affected by the way i think someone will think about me. I let their opinions control the things i do. At some point everyone was scared to get up and talk to their peers in front of the class, but then there is those few people who get up and can talk like they are talking to their bestfriend and couldn 't care at all about what others are thinking about them. My biggest challenge in life right now is caring so much about the opinions of others. I let them control the way i live my life, i 'm quite and don 't talk or act a lot. But what if no one had the power to not care about others opinions how differently would the world be, people wouldn 't be scared to be themselves, no one would be feeling like they don 't belong because everyone wouldn 't care about the opinions of others. As to say people let others run their life. As jobs said “your time is limited” why care so much about others and care about yourself do what makes you happy, and what you want to do in life. As many older people than myself have always told me “why do you care what they think, i stopped caring a long time ago” and all have said they have been more happy that way. Being an attending high school student i see this happen every day where people live how others are living so they can fit in, they dress they talk they do the actions of others so they don 't seem different, but is that who they really are. Im guilty of this myself i let others

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