Persuasive Essay About Sex Trafficking

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There are many organizations for selling humans like you or your loved ones. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are and what you do, the possibilities of being lured into modern slavery could be anyone. Our government has found organization leaders even difficult to trace down, and who would know if the government might be keeping darker secrets to themselves. Traffickers take and manipulate people for their own profit and it may be someone you know, and nothing is really changing that. This modern slavery is new generation, a more secretive economy that goes on during day and night, it is a multi-billion dollar criminal industry that denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world. Chances are, it 's happening close to you, …show more content…

I: “In 2000, when I was 17, I ran away from home with him and he put me in a brothel. His earlier promises of love and a future together were now followed by beatings, rapes and humiliation. There was no way back for me. He was the only person I had in this world and I didn’t want to lose him. After all, I loved him.” this is K’s example.
R: People sell because of all the money they 'd get. And people buy or use people for their own needs that aren 't legal.
E: It thrives because if serious …show more content…

Within government, this means the participation and coordination among agencies with a range of responsibilities that include criminal enforcement, labor enforcement, victim outreach and services, public awareness, education, trade policy, international development and programs, immigration, intelligence, and diplomacy. Few crimes are more abhorrent than child trafficking, and few crimes are more challenging for communities to recognize and address. For many people, the reality of trafficking in their community is difficult to take in or accept, let alone confront. For educators and school personnel, the reality of these crimes and the severity of their impact are cause for a call to