Persuasive Essay On Human Trafficking

808 Words4 Pages
Now after listing some of the official organization that are using technology to help end this form of slavery, I would like to list some of the ways we, in this modern age, can help end this grievous crime. It might be easy to hear the facts about human trafficking, but fall into the false idea that it is simply up to our government and other such groups to deal with this important issue, and this is simply not true, in our technology advanced day and age it is now easier than ever to help do our part to help end this horror. Anyone can and should join in the fight against human trafficking, we can do this by, learning the indicators of human trafficking so you can help identify a potential trafficking victim. Human trafficking awareness training is available for individuals, businesses, first responders, law enforcement, educators, and federal employees, and many others. You can work with a local religious community or congregation to help stop trafficking by supporting a victim service provider or spreading awareness of human trafficking or encourage your local schools to partner with students and include modern slavery in their curricula. Go out and see how your church can help them as they address this concern in your community. Many cities have task forces that address community trafficking issues and some even allow citizens to be part of the panel. If you are a parent, educator, or school administrator, it is your duty to be aware of how traffickers target

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