Persuasive Speech On Human Trafficking

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Have you ever seen this picture?

This picture is a lot more than a poetic protest on media. It is the reality. In the 21st century, the average cost of a human is $90 globally. It’s sad but true; here in this world, people are forced into being slaves for a $150 billion criminal industry, a form of modern slavery: Human Trafficking. It’s a horrendous crime against humanity, that is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere. The media is an indispensable vehicle through visualizing the problem, educating and mobilizing people and building a hope for us to come together and end this crime forever.

Freedom is a human right. It’s independence within the boundaries of responsibility. What does freedom mean to you? To me, it is a gift endowed …show more content…

It is the world’s fastest growing global crime that people are being bought, sold and smuggled for sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, bonded labour and even organ sacrifice ending up with death. The most tragic fact is 26% of the victims that are sucked into trafficking are children. In this violation of human rights’ grave, where persons have a price tag, anyone can be a victim. Human trafficking doesn’t discriminate on age, gender, race or religion. It is happening to humans, just like …show more content…

Even if we instinctively struggle to admit its existence, we cannot turn our backs to those victims of trafficking. Governments do not talk about it and society doesn’t see. That’s where the media comes in. Human trafficking has become more visible by the help of the media. The media shows everything about this clandestine crime, that are hidden from view. It visualizes the issue to get support because people don’t take action if they don’t see the problem. So, the possibility of saving lives, preventing the wrongdoings increases with the more visibility the issue gets. 4 years ago, the image on the top was published like a pop-up ad. Approximately, 24.000 people clicked on it and found out the ugly truth about human trafficking.

Besides, the media can reach billions of people and it is able to mould public opinion. So that, it has a key role to educate and organize people to mobilize support and involvement. The only way to combat trafficking is to make everyone know about it in detail because no human would disregard it after learning the truth. If someone does, I don’t call it human anyway. There are many projects, campaigns and blogs about human trafficking in media. Polaris Project, Not For Sale, MTV Exit, Free The Slaves and UN.GIFT are just a few of the projects on media that inform people about trafficking and raise