Persuasive Essay About Video Games

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There is a battle raging. The bad guys haven't quite figured out they have lost yet. While they think they still have a chance to win, they are continuing their game of creating noise, confusion and chaos in an attempt to keep us occupied and out of their hair. What they don't understand is how many people are beginning to wake up to their games. Divide and conquer has always been a big part of their game plan. Anything and everything they can use to get us to fight gets played! Here in the US, there are many topics to choose from: race, religion, politics, sexual orientation, and lately even gender identity!!! We are taught it is important to stand up for what we believe in--for what is "right". What we fail to realize is that all fighting does is bring is more fighting and resentment. Fighting can never bring about peace because it's outcome is always win-lose. It is possible to force people into a situation they don't want to be in, but they will eventually try to escape when given the opportunity. That is the nature of the fight. …show more content…

By refusing to play the game!!! Instead of forcing our beliefs on others and making them live like we think they should, it is time to begin practicing tolerance. Love our fellow humans instead of judging them. We don't have to like what they do, but we can still love them. True love is unconditional. How do we know we are playing the game? What issues trigger our emotions? Gay rights? Islam or Christianity? Separation of church and state? Abortion? Politics? If it sets off anger or sadness, chances are it is something the powers that be use to distract. What can we do to stop playing the Divide and Conquer game? The first step is to understand that humans typically act out what they have learned in their lifetimes. They don't act as they do just to piss us off!!! We all need to take a little responsibility for ourselves and our actions and not take things