Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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Abortion is not justified because it is murder, it’s not the babies fault for beginning to form in the mother’s womb, and the baby is a living person whether or not it is on the outside; we still need to treat them as such.
The National Abortion Federation (NAF) has worked since 1977 to ensure that women, health care professionals, and policymakers have access to factual information about abortion. NAF has created a series of carefully researched fact sheets that cover topics related to abortion and abortion care. Opinions about abortion is remarkably stable. Since the 1970s, we have seen considerable changes in attitudes towards gay marriage and marijuana legalization but not in opinions about abortion. Abortion is illegal in Ireland …show more content…

... Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want." Also, the logical result of the desire for "abortion-on-demand" is infanticide and euthanasia -- killing a newborn if it possesses physical or mental anomalies, and killing those for whom the living find it inconvenient to care. When human life is cheapened to the point that even the womb, a symbol of tranquility and peace, becomes a place of death; even the already-born will begin to respect each other’s lives a little …show more content…

Surprisingly, abortion is never mentioned in the Bible, despite the fact that it has been practiced since ancient times by a variety of means. However, a number of Bible passages have been cited as being relevant to the abortion issue. They may well state some general principles that are relevant, but none of them were originally intended as statements about abortion.
It is illegal for women to get an abortion in Ireland unless the pregnancy directly threatens her life. If a pregnancy has occurred, once you’ve made one of two choices – remaining pregnant, or terminating your pregnancy, there are three more basic choices to make. Parenthood, abortion or adoption are all equally viable, legal (in most locations) and valid choices, any of which may be the best choice for someone at a given time, and no one of those choices is any simpler or easier to make than another.
While women of every social class seek terminations, the typical woman who ends her pregnancy is either young, white, unmarried, poor, or over the age of

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