Persuasive Essay Against Euthanasia

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Euthanasia laws in Australia right at this moment are non-exsistent. the only type of assisted suicide in our hospitals hopping at this moment are of those that put patients that are already in severe and excruciating, through a extended journey to death. And while people go through this they are staved and dehydrated, instead of giving these people a choice of a quick and dignified death, their family has to watch them die slowly full of sedatives and in severe agony. Euthanasia in Australia should be legalised for terminally ill patients. While the population of Australia is majority in favour of the Euthanasia law the government refuses to acknowledge the entreat from the suffering people and their families in Australia. Advokets such as Dr. Philip NItschke and the Die with Dignity Victoria has been fighting for the legalization of Euthanaisa and the Governement has not made any progress with the issue, ignoring their persistent passion for the topic. …show more content…

Euthanasia in the medical sector is not prominatly talked about between doctors becasue of the negative conotations behind and the reputation given to people in the field who openly support Euthanasia. But Doctors arnt the ones who spend the most time with patients, its the nurse. One of the largest groups of advokates are the nurses because they are the ones who sit throught each and every patients torment and they are in misery as they watch them slowly die. The Howard Government banned talking about Euthaniasia in the political world since 1997 and since then every bill propsed to the senate has been shut down and not given a chance for a proper