Persuasive Essay: Drones Should Be Banned

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Everyday drones are getting cheaper and significantly more advanced. Most people agree that drones invade privacy and can be very dangerous. A drone is a remote-controlled pilotless missile with image recording capability. Laws are changing all the time due to the rapid growth. Our government has no control over the brewing situation. Drones should be banned to the public, because of how simple they are to get and how easy is it is to spy on people and other illegal activities.
As of right now any one of any age can fly a drone. They are considered the same as RC helicopters and planes. Drones price ranges anywhere from $40- $250,000. The sizes vary as well, starting small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Since drones are getting cheaper more people are trying out drones. One of the biggest concerns with flying drones is privacy. Since most drones are equipped with cameras there already have been reports on spying. Some people have stated reported drones looking inside their windows or watching them in their yards. On January 27, 2015 a drone crash landed on the White House raising concern on how we need to regulate them or if they should even be legal at all. If this drone was equipped with a bomb or gun the White House would not have been ready for it. …show more content…

At the moment this is completely legal, there are no laws preventing you from strapping a gun on a drone and remotely firing it. The thought of this is terrifying. On top of this some drones have a self-destruct mode. If this type of technology got in the wrong hands it could be used to commit murder. You are walking to your car, a drone flies up with a gun on it. Before you can react your shot. Then boom, it blows up destroying all evidence. Making it easier for someone to do something terrible, while never leaving their computer