Persuasive Essay: Is Cheerleading A Sport?

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When asked about cheerleading most people tend to think the obvious, like It’s a female sport, or It’s not a sport at all just girls on the side line supporting other athletes. Well, there has been a change in the game that people will either accept or debate because of its history or because of its future. For over a year now cheerleading has been declared as a legal sport, “High School cheerleading would become an official school sport in California under legislation that passed the Assembly on Monday. Assembly Bill 949, which passed on a 71-3 vote, would have the California Interscholastic Federation regulate competition cheer like other sports, which the bill’s author said would mean better safety and coaching training standards and potentially more resources for cheerleaders.” (White, 1) Due to all the changes and difficulty skills needed for example flexability, strength and even tumbling it …show more content…

With all the new idea of being called a legal sport, there are still issues that are being seen today, like school districts still not viewing or calling cheerleading a sport, so cuts are made and cheer teams are dismissed due to funds being taken out for the school activity and another huge issue being noticed today is scholarships, because cheerleading has been newly recognized as a sport, more scholarships opportunities should be awarded to those who participate in the sport. “Colleges don't recruit for cheerleading as zealously as they do for many other sports, but one schools do offer scholarships or smaller perks for cheerleaders. If a high school student has been an especially successful cheerleader, this can also be an missions-odd boost, especially at the Division one colleges with the most visible football and basketball programs (even when there aren't scholarships offered for cheering).” (College Confidential