Cheerleading Persuasive Essay

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Shaylee Terry
Mr. Bergmann
Honors English P-6
10 October 2016
High School Cheerleading Should be Considered a Sport

You hear the roaring crowds, the rustling of pom poms, you see a girl being thrown high up in the air, you see somebody doing back flips and their kicks high up in the air. Cheerleading has been around since 1869. At the time it was normally only tied in with football. When Princeton University and Rutgers University played against each other. In the 1880s, Princeton had formed an all-male pep club. This is when cheerleading first started to become a thing for males to join. Thomas Peebles was a graduate of Princeton and took cheers from Princeton to the University of Minnesota, where football and fight songs were becoming very popular at the time. In 1898, U of M was on a losing streak, and a medical student named Johnny Campbell assembled a group to energize the team and the crowd. Not until 1923 were women allowed to cheer ( However, even though women were allowed to join in the …show more content…

In order to be able to achieve your goal in a stunt you have to work together with everyone in your building group. Just like any other sport if you do not work as a team, you will end up with a negative outcome. Even though teamwork is extremely important “leadership is the string that ties it all together” ( A Leader is someone who pushes everyone to work and do their hardest. In cheer everyone is a leader because, cheerleaders help cheer on other sports and get people excited about what is going on in the game. Every sport has to have discipline. Cheerleaders are required to be at practices, games, and pep assemblies just like any other sport and yet some people still think that cheer is not a sport. However that is not true because all sports have to require teamwork, leadership, and discipline or else the whole team will