Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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What does the word abortion means? Abortion means termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable. In the medical sense, this term refers to the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of survival outside the uterus. (n.d.). Every person awaiting to be born is looking for his/ her life, trying to find for what reason someone puts them in the earth. When the mother decides to end with the life of a baby, she is not only done with the fetus life, she interrupts that person’s purpose. The mother do not know if her son/daughter was going to be a great engineer, the best rocker in the world, or an awesome philosopher that was going to be famous or that was going to inspirited a lot of people. How can a teenager from the age of …show more content…

However, many parents refuse to this because they believe teenagers at this age are young to know about this topic. Professors at institutions are giving this classes to the students because they want to implement the teenager’s ways of thinking, they do not do it with a bad purpose and it is illogical to create a class that will satisfied all the family parents at the same time, majority of parents are not supporting this specially the authoritarian parenting style meaning they use force and punishment, often uses psychological control, makes decision for the child, rarely listen to the child point of view (Berk, 2018). Therefore, how can we avoid unwanted pregnancy to happen if we as parents do not open our minds and let the educations to continue with learning sources for our children. The perspective many parents have about this point is they believe it will always be an embarrassing topic to talk about with their teenagers. A survey was created to parent to know what their reaction was talking about this. The most popular response was "felt embarrassed" (38%), followed by "didn't know what to …show more content…

We need to let them know what are the consequences about having sex with or without protection, the consequences about being too young to experience already with sex problems in the case for woman having to deal with birth control they have secondary effects and are not too good once you begin with a prescription by the doctor you need to know all about the products before using them since some of them might have and ingredient that might not be good for teenager health, everybody recommended to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist so they can take care of your method of use and proceed with it. They could be pills, shoot, patch between others, one method that best works with their organism. As a girl you will need to experience the continues visits with the gynecologist, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends that young women have their first visit with an