Persuasive Essay On Ageism At Work

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Ageism is like a double edge sword and leaves those between 30-60 years old in the middle. On one side you have the younger generation of young kids up to those in their late 20’s. Society has this notion that if you are young you know nothing, and are irresponsible. This notion is a very prominent one when it comes to younger people in the workforce and is one I encounter at work quite frequently. Being one of the younger waitresses , when a customer doesn’t like the answer I give them they assume I am not sure what I am talking about and the I am inexperienced. They then proceed to ask an older staff member- most of them are less experienced than myself- hoping for a different answer. Another example of this idea is a current political ad campaign, a conservative attack ad directed towards Justin Trudeau uses this idea to explain why people shouldn’t vote for him. The ads specifically reference his age as an explanation as to why he doesn’t have enough experience to become Prime Minister. …show more content…

I feel as though society in general thinks that once you reach a certain age you, along with your way of thinking is irrelevant to the present day. Again I see this example at work as well. When an older person comes into the restaurant with their family - children, grandchildren etc.- the family members immediately start questioning the person decisions , what the want to eat, how they order and they almost dictate their behaviour while in the restaurant. They are almost treated like children again who can not be trusted to control their lives. Either way that you look at it Ageism is a very overlooked idea that has an influence on the way we run our everyday lives, make important decisions, and how we treat other