Persuasive Essay On Antidepressant In Children

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Currently, 2,165,279 children between the ages of 0 and 17 are on antidepressants (Koplewicz). This insane number is what sparks an argument between whether children should or shouldn’t be allowed to take antidepressants. Kids who are diagnosed with depression have the same degree of needs and rights that adults do to have their mental illness taken care of. They equally deserve to live a healthier and happier life. Children should be allowed to be prescribed antidepressant medication. The opposing side states that children, anyone under the age of 18, are more likely to become addicted to and abuse prescription drugs later in their lifetimes. Although there is a chance of this caused by taking medication, there’s an equivalent chance …show more content…

This energy increase is what makes the child become more efficient in the classroom. A few of the major symptoms of depression include having a very hard time concentrating, remembering simple details, and feeling exhausted no matter how long they sleep (“Symptoms of Depression”) (SP 3a). In most cases, in order for a child to be successful in school, they need to be able to pay attention, complete tasks, and feel like they will get through that day (SP 3a). The more successful a child is in school, the more in life they feel they can accomplish, thus taking away a sense of hopelessness. Another symptom of depression, in both children and adults, is a loss in interest regarding things they previously enjoyed doing (“Symptoms of Depression”). If a child enjoyed school before they started showing signs of depression, it is extremely important to bring that child back to the familiarity of having fun doing something such as school. For many gaining this well-known enjoyment again wouldn’t be remotely possible without the use of antidepressant medication. For a depressed minor, antidepressant medication is their way of passage to get through schooling and maybe even enjoy the experience; individually, we have no right to deny that child of their education by not giving them their medication (SP