Persuasive Essay On Armed In Schools

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Do K-12 Schools Need Armed Guards?
Since 2013, there have been 160 school shootings in the United States. Security in schools has been a major debate lately. With all of the recent school shootings; our teachers, students, parents and communities are afraid and worried that our students are in danger and that they don’t have secure protection. Their concern is justified because student safety rests in the hands of teachers and administrators who, in most cases, have never had any training in violent crisis situations. Security in schools is imperative for the safety of students, staff, and community concerns.
The training that does exist is mainly voluntary and targets teachers, administrators and students alike. Therefore, student training …show more content…

Would such armed protection totally eliminate any threat? No. Could armed protection reduce the threat of violence and/or protect our students from violence? Yes, most definitely it would. The real question is; what harm would result from armed protection in our schools? In my opinion, there would be no harm from extra protection. In the last two years there have been 94 school shootings in 33 different states. 53 percent of those shootings were in schools that were kindergarten through twelfth grade and 47 percent were in university or college campuses (“Analysis” 2). From this data, you can see there are far too many school shootings occurring in the United States and there is no answer to it. What can we do to decrease the amount of school shootings in the US or even stop the reoccurring tragedies? Why don’t we put armed guards in our schools K-12 and colleges? With armed guards or teachers in our schools, intruders may be too scared, or intimidated to choose whether or not they are going to make an attack on schools. They would know they are in