Persuasive Essay On Bike Laness

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Bike riding is a popular mode of transportation everywhere. It is cheap, requires no gas and is a good, easy way to get exercise. A lot of people enjoy it because they can be outdoors and can enjoy their surroundings without having to be cramped in a car all the time. Bike lanes are necessary because they make cyclists feel safer, keeps them off sidewalks, and more people would ride bikes. Having bike lanes make cyclists feel safer because they do not have to share a whole lane with other vehicles. It also reduces the number of accidents between vehicles and cyclists. Everyone stays in their own lane so vehicles are less likely to hit someone while they are on their bike. Having their own lanes allows them to be out of the way of other vehicles so that they can take their time and not have to worry about their speed, because people on bikes are generally slower than other vehicles. The painted white lines make it easier to separate the bike lane and the normal driving lane at …show more content…

Accidents can occur between cyclists and pedestrians because either the person riding the bike could be going to fast and not be able to stop in time or the pedestrian could not be paying attention and run into the cyclist. Also if a cyclist is trying to come off the curb and cross the street, they have a higher chance of getting hit by a turning car. Having bike lanes can have a disadvantage as well because there are still dangers that cyclist can experience, such as cracks and potholes in the road, garbage cans that are place on the side of the road, and vehicles that park on the side of the roads. If a vehicle needs to pull over in an emergency situation and a cyclist is right next to them then it can put them both in danger. Having cyclist in the road just adds to the list of things that drivers have to be careful around and have to slow down