Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

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When it comes to birth control everybody has a different view on it, one person believes it should be completely illegal, the other doesn’t care, and someone else thinks it should be free, although today we are going to be talking about a newly brought up birth control bill; Should birth control be available to teenage girls without parental consent? I believe that it shouldn’t straight up because of the many things that could go wrong; for example a girl might not know the proper dosage to take and could seriously harm her mental and physical health, or she may be allergic and not even know because her mom usually deals with the stuff that she is and isn’t allergic to, and there is also the possibility of this drug getting in the wrong persons hands on the black market, there is also the age factor and whether or not …show more content…

As we all know there are many problems with all the drugs we have in this world but when it come to birth control specifically there are many risks and ways to misuse it. Mainly when it comes to teenagers with limited access to the drug world they will take whatever they can get their hands on in order to get high, and when it comes to birth control crushing up a couple pills and snorting it makes many teens get high or at least think they are high. The consequences of this is that it is a very dangerous substance and girls who are misusing birth control can really mess up their hormones and there is even a slight chance that it will affect a girl's ability to have children if she ever decides to want one. Think about it (freestyle). On the other hand though it still isn’t proven misuse of birth control may damage your brain, but even worse it can cause excessive vaginal bleeding, vomiting, and disruption of your menstrual cycle, you wouldn’t want that for yourself or if you were a mother for your