Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

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A lot of people would say birth control is dangerous or that it is unhealthy. But imagine lying by the toilet the first few days of your period vomiting or even lying in bed with intense cramps and having to put your life on hold just because of your menstrual cycle. Most people will disagree and say that birth control is harmful to your body and that women should not be on it but women should be and here are a few reasons why. Birth control can help women better control their menstrual cycle, meaning on the birth control depending what level you are taking it will slow down a heavy flow or the higher the dosage it can completely take it away. Not only does it help the flow but it can stop the symptoms of the menstrual cycle too. The vomiting, …show more content…

With the easy access to birth control, the rates have lowered since 1970. Women are given a choice and with birth control around they do not have to make the choice of, do I want to keep my child, should I give my child up for adoption, or should I have an abortion? No woman wants to have the thought of, "I cannot provide for my child I do not know what I am going to do" with birth control it can stop all of those thoughts. With the help of birth control and all of the new technology, women can avoid these thoughts and this situation. It is a right for women to control their body and what they want to have done to it. According to William Saletan, technology is helping women prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortion rates have dropped about 30 percent in 2002 (Birth Control Results). It will come about that birth control is another way of abortion but it is in fact not. Abortion is removing a fetus from the woman's body. With birth control the egg does not ever form into a fetus, therefore, it is not considered an abortion. It is not a human it is still is egg form. If you have ever watched an abortion documentary you will see the fetus has hands and fingers and other body parts. Birth control does not do that it has no time to change and grow into a human. Birth control can prevent many things and help women all over the