Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

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Birth control is something that most people believe to have one meaning which is to stop people from becoming pregnant. For many years men and women have tried different ways to prevent pregnancy. Over 222 million girls are not able to get birth control due to their parents or because they can not afford it. Birth control can help a female get their period at the same time every month. Most of the time when you talk with your parents about sex or anything to do with that topic it can be extremely uncomfortable. Most parents will automatically assume you are already or you want to have sex when asking them questions about ways to protect yourself or how would this product protect me. Birth control or even sex is often topic that most people …show more content…

People believe that because every year 3 million teenagers get at least one type of sexully transmitted disease is because they go on birth control and forget that condoms help protect you from the sexually transmitted disease not birthcontrol. If teens wear condoms they are still at risk of getting a disease Most of the teens who get sexually transmitted disease are teenage girls. If teenagers can not get birth control pills unless a parent is involved the number of pregnancies will most likely increase. Some people may say teens are less likely to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and stds so they should not be allowed to get on birth control without their parents knowing. Most teens are going to have sex no matter what. Some teens do not use protection even if they are not on birth control. Being on birth control shows responsibility. Teens still have to make sure that they are being protected from HIV and Stds. Others may say that teens need to communicate with their parents more. Preventing teengers from getting on birthcontrol without their parents knowing will not improve communication with their parents. Teens will forever hide information from their parents for many reasons one being they want to handle the problem on their own or teens believe their parents won't understand. Parents must educate teenagers on the different types of birth